马萨诸塞州博彩网站. – Marcus Ware ’02 came to Springfield Technical Community 大学 as a 19-year-old feeling, in his words, “humbled.”
He graduated in 2002 feeling transformed.
Today, more than 20 years later, Dr. 他自2023年7月1日起担任Chicopee Public Schools的主管. 对他来说,走进教室与高中生交谈并为他们提供建议并不罕见, which is to consider going to community college.
在博彩网站出生长大,毕业于博彩网站公立学校系统, Ware often shares with students his own journey that brought him to 博彩网站. 高中毕业后,他没有想过要去当地的社区大学. 尽管他在博彩网站参加了双注册课程,并在罗杰·L·杰克逊学院(Roger L .)就读时获得了大学学分. Putnam Vocational Technical High School. Instead, after graduating in 1999, he wanted to go to a big university. 但, after struggling for a year and a half in that environment, he decided to come to 博彩网站, where he could knock out his prerequisites.
While enrolled at 博彩网站, 他发现了对社区大学经历的热爱,并意识到他应该在高中毕业后开始那里.
威尔说:“在我感到谦卑之前,我并不感激它所提供的东西。. “I wish I would have started at 博彩网站. 我与教授和同学建立的关系对我帮助很大. I remember saying, ‘This feels like college. 这是可行的.’
“What worked for me was the relationship building I experienced at 博彩网站, the intimate nature of getting to know the person who is teaching. The professors at 博彩网站 challenged me. I remember a professor who made physics relatable to everything. 我记得有一位社会学教授,他每天都在挑战我们,督促我们.”
I wish I would have started at 博彩网站. 我与教授和同学建立的关系对我帮助很大.Dr. 马库斯器皿, Chicopee School Superintendent
At 博彩网站, Ware learned to manage his time. 他在一家零售店工作,能够在工作和学习之间找到平衡. He met with friends in the morning to study and get ahead of homework.
“Looking back on it, 是博彩网站的支持结构让我这样的人成功,他说.
He was able to take advantage of support services like tutoring. He found it easy to reach out to professors to ask questions to get help.
韦尔毕业时获得了通识专业的副学士学位,并为进入四年制大学做好了准备. He decided on Western 康涅狄格州ecticut State University, where he received his bachelor’s 学位 in meteorology. 他当过家教,也当过代课老师,对教育事业充满了热情. He thought that would make for a better career than one in meteorology.
韦尔的职业经历包括在哈德威克的鹰山学校和伊斯特汉普顿的威利斯顿北安普顿学校担任教师. 他晋升为博彩网站的博彩网站联邦学院院长,然后接受了温德姆中学副校长的职位, 康涅狄格州. Ware was promoted to principal of the middle school, then promoted to central office during his five years at Windham.
In 2023, he was hired as superintendent in Chicopee. 威尔在奇科皮(Chicopee)边境的东博彩网站(East Springfield)长大,所以他觉得离家很近. His mother and a bevy of aunts, uncles and cousins live in Springfield, which he visits a few times a week.
“I always believe I’m where I’m supposed to be. I’m where I am needed,” Ware said. “It was a nice upward climb pretty quickly, 但每一次经历都把我带到了今天,成为奇科皮的一名督学.”
Dr. Karen-Louise Walker, 博彩网站’s Assistant Vice President of Advancement, 威尔的故事反映了博彩网站教育和学位带来的变革性影响.
“As an alumnus of Springfield Technical Community 大学, Dr. Ware exemplifies the spirit of determination, resilience and excellence that defines our institution,沃克说. “他从奇科皮的学生到学校负责人的旅程证明了教育塑造生活和社区的力量.”
“Some of the best education I got was at 博彩网站, I told my professors that when I was at 博彩网站,他说. “我告诉人们,我必须谦卑地认识到,我必须先去一所社区大学,在那里我接受了良好的教育,帮助我做好了取得今天成就的准备.”
Interested in applying to 博彩网站? 访问 stemeducationadvancement.com/apply or call Admissions at (413) 755-3333.
关于 Springfield Technical Community 大学
博彩网站, the Commonwealth's only technical community college, 继续博彩网站军械库的开拓遗产与全面的技术教育 制造业, 阀杆, 医疗保健, 业务, social services, the liberal arts. 博彩网站's highly regarded 劳动力, 证书, 学位, 转移 程序是 most affordable in Springfield 并为马萨诸塞州西部的活力提供了无与伦比的机会. Founded in 1967, the college – a designated Hispanic Serving Institution -旨在缩小传统上面临社会障碍的学生之间的成绩差距. 博彩网站 supports students as they transform their lives through intellectual, 文化, economic engagement while becoming thoughtful, committed and socially responsible graduates.
Jim Danko, (413) 755-4812