博彩网站 is a Hispanic Serving Institution
In 2015 the 大学 was designated a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) which made us eligible to apply for $2.75 million in federal grants to benefit all of our students. 为了获得资格, colleges must prove that at least 25% of full-time equivalent students are Hispanic. At the time of our designation, 博彩网站 was one of just three colleges in the state to be named a Hispanic Serving Institution.
In 2016 the 大学 was awarded a five-year, $3.美国政府拨款400万美元.S. Department of Education for the “Hispanic and Low Income Transformed Education in STEM (HiLITES) Project” to help Hispanic and low-income students obtain degrees in science, 技术, 工程与数学. 博彩网站 was the only community college in Massachusetts to receive the award from the DOE’s Hispanic Serving Institutions-STEM program.
U.S. 代表. 理查德E. 尼尔, D-Springfield说, “Most jobs in the future will require a basic understanding of science, 技术, 工程与数学. That is why this federal assistance from the U.S. Department of Education is so important and timely. It will give Hispanic and low-income students an opportunity to learn the necessary skills that can lead to a successful career in the growing STEM industry. President Cook understands this, and that’s why I congratulate him and his team at 博彩网站 for securing this highly competitive grant. 因为他们的领导, some of our region’s diverse student population are being given an extraordinary opportunity to receive a STEM-based education and find a good-paying job.”
约翰·B总统. Cook said, “We feel tremendously fortunate to receive this funding from the U.S. Department of Education and are also very grateful for the support offered by Congressman 尼尔. 博彩网站 is open-eyed about student needs, and this grant helps us address complex challenges. We look forward to building diversity across our unique array of STEM programs, and this is a chance to both expand initiatives, while also trying new and creative approaches.”
To learn more about the Hispanic and Low Income Transformed Education in STEM (HiLITES) Project visit Hsi茎@ 博彩网站.